The question of work OR family should now be a thing of the past. Balancing them is becoming more and more important, especially in the competition for skilled workers. Today's generation of workers and, above all, young people want and must be able to reconcile both. To do this, they need flexibility and support from their employer.
minubo is one of about 350 companies that bears the Hamburg Family Seal and is thus honored for their remarkably family-friendly concept. The “Hamburger Allianz für Familien”, an initiative of the Hamburg Senate, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts, has been handing out this award since 2007. The aim is to promote the benefits of a corporate policy that supports employees in balancing professional opportunities and family challenges.
Constantly striving to form a great company, minubo is particularly pleased by this award and sees it as a sign of affirmation. minubo pursues a sustainable and family-conscious personnel policy. To enable a healthy work-life balance, flexible working hours and home office options are offered, among other things. So that everyone can tailor the working day to his or her needs - while still considering the team.
Do you want to find out more about minubo as an employer? Then look here.