Robin Henke Nov 26, 2018 4:00:00 PM 9 min read

minubo Rights Management – Role-based Administration of Access to Individual Key Figures

Not only because of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the protection and safekeeping of personal data and sensitive business data, a major topic. Within commerce organizations, the focus has always been on regulating who gets access to which records.

In particular, if a company uses an analytics solution with comprehensive data insights, rights management can be a key challenge in accessing specific data. Not so with minubo – with the minubo Rights and Roles feature, the Commerce Intelligence Suite enables you to handle this balancing act of making data usable on one side, while at the same time, ensuring safe handling of the data. 

In this article, we'd like to introduce you to the Rights and Roles feature and explain how it works.

WHAT is the minubo Rights and Roles Feature?

The minubo Rights and Roles feature is a role-based rights management system. It allows key users of minubo to grant access rights: Individual users can be denied or granted access to certain metrics and attributes within minubo. 

This option becomes particularly relevant when it comes to accessing customer attributes. With the minubo Rights and Roles feature, access can easily be restricted to those who need it for their daily work and therefore have a need to see this information.

Also, business critical information, such as margins, can now be better protected. The applicability of the minubo Rights and Roles feature applies to all areas within minubo – from Dashboards to Heartbeats to individual customer pages – individual display and selection rights can be assigned.

WHY is the minubo Rights and Roles Feature so important?

Sensitive information must be protected. We take data protection very seriously. Therefore, we also need to provide the framework for our customers to better protect their customers' data.

In addition, the minubo Rights and Roles feature is a way to increase efficiency. The reduction to dedicated key figures prevents employees from being overloaded with information.

HOW does the minubo Rights and Roles Feature work?

The minubo login administrator within the commerce organization defines individual user roles associated with very specific usage rights for metrics and attributes. There are three possible rights granted to a role:

  1. Access: Using and viewing of the metrics and attributes is explicitly permitted.
  2. Open: Using and viewing of the metrics and attributes depends on the configuration of the remaining roles.
  3. Access Denied: Regardless of access rights in other roles, using and viewing of metrics and attributes is explicitly denied.

Based on this, the company's Login Administrator can, for example, define several roles that might look like this:

  • Role – Student Trainee BI:
    • Access: Permitted only for selected key figures
    • Open: No selection
    • Access Denied: All other metrics
  • Role – Product Management:
    • Access: To selected key figures and attributes related to the product, including the purchasing cost metrics
    • Open: All other metrics and attributes
    • Access Denied: No selection
  • Role – Marketing:
    • Access: To selected metrics and attributes related to marketing
    • Open: Key figures for stock
    • Access Denied: Purchasing cost metrics 

A user with the role "Student Trainee BI" would only have access to the key figures and attributes defined in this role. Since other key figures and attributes are explicitly excluded, the user will not get access to other key figures even when adding the role "Product Management" or "Marketing".

On the other hand, a user with the Product Management and Marketing roles would have access to all metrics shared in both roles, except the purchase cost. Explanation: "Access Denied" from the "Marketing" role overrides “Access” from the Product Management role (a "No" being stronger than a "Yes"). Since the access to the key figures for the stocks is left open in both roles, the access for the users depends on the configuration of an always existing "default role".

The "default role" is a role that is assigned to each user by default once an account exists for minubo and before the login administrator assigns a specific role to the user. By default, this role controls access to all metrics and attributes for which no further explicit access rights are defined. The login administrator of a commerce organization decides on the definition of the default role, and this determines which key figures and attributes are released or denied to all users as a starting point.

All minubo users benefit from the Rights and Roles Feature

With the ability to grant viewing and selection rights to specific metrics and attributes, Commerce organizations ensure everyone can work with minubo – from CEO to intern.


Robin Henke

Robin is Product Manager at minubo. He loves to share best practices on how minubo customers can get most out of their work with minubo.